Number 191. Weekend At Bernies

a childhood classic that should have stayed there, as watching it as an adult had shown me that actually it wasnt a very good, even for a one joke 80`s comedy!
Number 192. Frankenhooker

a truly and utterly bonker film, great entertainment and a truly mind melting view!
Number 193. Devil in the Flesh 2

awful film, somehwere in between bad horror and softcore porn.
this film tries soooo hard to titilate but fails that it resorts to random horror deaths in places to grab another target audience, so so so so so boring!
Number 194. Star Trek

didnt really know what to expect, but was blown away!
yes its all the things you come to expect from a summer blockbuster, average cast overlong run time and masses of special effects.
it ticks all the boxes but the ace it has up its sleeve is that its actually very good and wonderfully watchable!
Number 195. Pick Up
oh dear god this was awful, some hippy dream state nonsense about 2 girls going on a trip across country with a hippy on a bus.
fuckin awful on every level.
Number 196. The Teacher

after the first film from the same boxset was the pick up(see above) my hopes werent very high for this, the second film,buuuut it was good, not brilliant mainly due to its super sleazy premise but well acted and well put together.
Number 197. Malibu High

another from the drive-in classics boxset, this like the first was terrible.
awful premise, terrible acting,awful direction and shocking soundtrack.
Number 198. Black Scorpion

great fun, great great fun!
effectively batman with lady bits! but its 1960`s over the top camp mayhem batman inspired fun.
it really was a pleasant surprise to stumble across this film late at night on the horror channel!
Number 199. Decadent Evil
dear god after finding the black scorpion this was on straight afterwards.
the black scorpion was great this was all different stages of wrong.
bad sound, awful acting,dire soundtrack,terrible direction.
i never thought a film with this much nudity and violence would leave me bored but its happened as there really isnt anything going on behind the random lesbianism and constant shagging of the characters.
Number 200. Porn Shoot Massacre

oh my, with a title that salacious it could only mean one thing, 80`s style stalker slasher territory.
and yep you guessed right! naked chicks and lots of death.
and thats your lot for this film.
Number 201. The Plague of the Zombies

cracking hammer horror about zombies breaking out in cornwall! of all places!!