one of adam sandlers better efforts, even if it is a one trick pony of sandler getting angry and hitting people.
underneath it, as always its a feelgood movie of the runt or idiot who overcomes being an outcast to get the girl and save the fuckin day as he does in all his earlier films.
same old same old, but what annoys me about his early films is that essentially he plays the same thick fuckin idiot of a character, and that character is ultimately a bit of a tool.
just takes some of the enjoyment out of the films for me.
Number 154. Dumb and Dumber
a truly terrible film, populated with annoying characters acted by awful actors.
why the fuck i watched this film for a second time is beyond me.
Number 155. Big
cracking film, my fave with tom hanks by a country mile
a prefectly balanced comedy with wonderful performances all round!
Number 156. Scary Movie 2
awful, just plain awful, only good thing in this film is catching a glimpse of anna farris in her undies and thats it!
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