Number 101. Tangled

pretty terrible in all honesty, im all for disney films and am fully aware that they are meant for kids, but that being said they can usually be enjoyed by adults as well, but this just mis fired from the start for me, it had some good moments here and there with its mangled re-working of the repunzal story, but they laughs were few and far between.
Number 102. Baby Mama

yet again somehow tina fey manages to entertain again!
simple and easy to watch comedy seems to be her bag, and her along with steve carell keep on making great fun movies
Number 103. The Money Pit

classic 80`s slapstick, when tom hanks was still funny.
in the good old says before he developed into a proper actor. i cant deny it though he is a great actor i prefer his silly fun films like this from the 80`s. now i just cant wait to go and get BiG and the burbs!!
Number 104. Sister Act 2:Back in the Habit

passable trash, nothing brilliant but very easy to watch.