dear god this was terrible, one giggle in the opening 5 minutes when the main character crashes his bike into a van and thats about it.
then we get 90 minutes of him and his mates being twats and becoming very annoying.
Number 106. Death Racers
terrible, really just terrible in every way known to man.
rubbish acting,predictable over used already done plot and truly awful special FX
Number 107. Bad Biology
so a film about a woman who has 7 clits (that she knows of!) and started her periods at 5 and after having sex gives birth to half breed under formed children within 2 hrs, and a man who has to sedate his freakishly monstrously huge pehis to stop it form going on a shag rampage!
suffice to say this is low on taste and high on nudity and mentalism.
as such its quite quite excellent!
completely bonkers and off the wall from the very beginning, the only to watch this film is with a mountain of salt!
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