oh god sandler got on my nerves in this film, had some good laughs from the supporting cast, but they are the ones who saved this film!
Number 159. The Italian Job
not a bad remake, thankfully since they only take the general gist of the original and sell the film by association its not ruining anything from the original and merely making a good crime caper film instead!
and edward norton is great as the panto style villain!
Number 160. Species 3
this is a series that should have stopped at one film, quite how it made it this far is beyond me, and they even made a fourth one after this piece of garbage!
Number 161. Nazi Dawn
terrible film, some tripe about a nazi ghost killing people on a ship.
not scary, not gory, not entertaining! defo not watching again......ever.
Number 162. Enemy of the State
as always will smiths films are watchable forever! this is no exception, just a shame that this one is a bit slower than his others, but that said the last 15 minutes are fantastic.
Number 163. Princess Blade
post apocalyptic hack and slash nonsense, expected better
Number 164. Airheads
a great film with sooooo many holes in the plot its unbelievable but still very entertaining and as an added bonus for me its got my fave white zombie song on the soundtrack!
Number 165. Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London
oh dear god this was awful, its no wonder with films like these under his belt frankie muniz disappeared from the acting world.
Number 166.The Princess Bride
classic, "my name is innygo montoya".......nuff said!