the david cronenberg classic Rabid, is essentially an outbreak movie, pretty much a zombie movie at its base with a lady infecting people and turning them into rabid flesh hungry brain dead zombies!
starring the porn legend marilyn chambers in one of her attempts to break out of the smut and into the mainstream, im not sure if picking what at the time was a fiercely independent film maker as her first few stepping stones was a wise idea, but what she does do well is act!
her performance is everything it needs to be and more, she does make you feel a great sympathy for her character who is essentially the villain of the piece, as she is patient zero and responsible for the outbreak, but since it isnt her fault(step forward shifty surgeon!) we feel for her.
if the performance had been duff, most likely we wouldnt have cared less, as it is chambers brings a vulnerability to the character that is sadly lacking in a lot of other films of this ilk.
as in most of these films there is a slight attempt at social commentary but as with all the other films of this ilk the commentary is heavy handed and doesnt really add anything to the movie.
sit back, enjoy the gore and the great performance of marilyn chambers and this will be a fun ride.
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